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[Podcast] Mobile ad fraud: What, why and how?Estimated reading time: 1 minutes


[Podcast] Mobile ad fraud: What, why and how?

In our latest podcast series, we invite a panel of industry insiders to discuss the situation surrounding mobile advertising fraud.
Why has this become such a big problem? What are the fraudsters doing to game the system? And how can reputable individuals and organisations in the industry work to stop this illegal practice?

Listen to this podcast series on mobile ad fraud to understand why this illegal practice is damaging to the industry, what the fraudsters are doing, and how they are currently getting away with it.

Joining our panel for this podcast series:

  • Chris Mumford, Trading Director at M&C Saatchi Mobile
  • Luke Dansie, Account Director at Fetch
  • Mark Brill, Senior Lecturer in Future Media and Consultant in Digital, Mobile and IoT Innovation
  • Elliott Clayton, Commercial Director at Conversant

If you enjoy this podcast, then be sure to listen to our podcast series on attribution, Baffled by the belief systems: The role of media attribution in business.

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