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From Gen Z to The Silent Generation, here's how America is streaming and watching TVEstimated reading time: 1 minutes

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From Gen Z to The Silent Generation, here's how America is streaming and watching TV

Steaming platforms have captured the minds (and eyes) of consumers of all ages. But where does that leave traditional ways of consuming media—like on the television, using cable? And are people even spending on cable anymore?

To tune further into how consumers are engaging with media, we created a custom survey that asked people about their viewing and spending habits. In the report, Tuning into media consumption trends across generations, we explore:

  • The different ways Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers and Silents are consuming media
  • How much people are spending on streaming vs. cable
  • What platforms are preferred when consuming news, sports, TV and movies

Ready to get the full picture?
