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Preparing for a world beyond third-party cookiesEstimated reading time: 1 minutes


Preparing for a world beyond third-party cookies

Third-party cookies (3PCs) live to see another day—but they’re still not here to stay.

Signal loss is still going to occur on Chrome, and the industry needs to continue preparing for a world beyond third-party cookies. In our research report, 250+ marketing decision-makers across five verticals weigh in on the change.

In the research, you will:

  • Explore marketer sentiment, readiness and strategies for 3PC deprecation.
  • Investigate how marketer sentiment towards 3PC deprecation has evolved since Google's first announcement.
  • Hear from retail, CPG, travel, restaurant and financial services marketers on how their brands are affected by the change.
  • Learn our recommendations on how to future-proof your digital media strategy. 
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