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Turn DTC insights into growth: 88 brands open up about marketing expectations in a DTC worldEstimated reading time: 1 minutes


Turn DTC insights into growth: 88 brands open up about marketing expectations in a DTC world

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Everywhere you look, a new direct-to-consumer (DTC) brand is popping up. It started with mattresses and eyewear, and now it’s in nearly every category.

Even traditional brands admit that DTCs excel in digital media, social and curated experiences. What’s the impact of all this, and what can brands learn from it?

To find the answers, we partnered with The CMO Club to survey traditional and DTC marketers. Here’s a sneak peek of the results:

For all the findings—and for tips on how your brand can take advantage of them—download this infographic preview of the research findings, and be sure to download the full report, Direct to growth: What all brands can gain from the new DTC world.

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