What it's like at Epsilon | Epic Blog

Bounce back stories: Christina Farrell

Written by Grace Francesconi | Nov 2, 2022 3:05:33 PM

At Epsilon, we have a higher-than-average number of bounce backs (people who leave a company, and then come back). We know it’s because we have a great culture and a leadership team that appreciates career paths are not always linear. In Bounce back stories, we explore the amazing people that have found their way back to Epsilon. This is Christina Farrell’s story.

Christina started at Epsilon in 2012 as an Executive Assistant supporting IT & Engineering. She came to Epsilon because she had always wanted to work for a marketing company and wanted to work with clients. A few years later in 2015, a different opportunity presented itself and Christina jumped at the chance and moved into a role on the Marketing team, a part of the business she had always been interested in getting involved in. After a short stint at another company, in 2022 a role opened up back at Epsilon and Christina joined as Senior Manager of Marketing Events. She now manages our event strategy and process improvements to help us organize the components needed to execute a successful event.

Why did you decide to “bounce back” to Epsilon?

“I truly loved working with the people at Epsilon, and I was excited about the opportunity to come back and work with them again. A couple of the major reasons why I loved Epsilon so much were the company culture, and the marketing team and colleagues I worked with for so long. I was thrilled to come back and have the opportunity to work with some amazing people that have helped shape my career these past 10 years.”

What has it been like coming back to Epsilon?

“I feel like I picked up right where I left off. I know that the industry and departments change over time, but the passion I have for marketing and the work that I do remains the same, and I feel the same way about my colleagues as I did before. I always knew I could collaborate with different areas of the business to bring a successful event to market, and that’s what I am continuing to do here in my role back at Epsilon.”

What matters most when it comes to an employer?

“When I work for an organization, I want to make sure I am making a positive impact on the company. I want it to be a two-way relationship where I bring ideas and knowledge to the table, and in turn, my colleagues work with me and are open and welcoming to my ideas. We work together on what is best for the company here at Epsilon.”

Inquiring minds (candidates!) what to know: what makes Epsilon different?

“I always feel very balanced here with my personal and professional life. I want to make an impact with the work that I do without having it interfere with my personal time, and Epsilon does a nice job of balancing both.”

What do a lot of companies get wrong?

“When a company puts too many expectations or an unnecessarily heavy workload on employees, that is when people end up leaving and finding a better opportunity elsewhere. Over the past couple of years, our lives have been changed a lot, and companies need to make sure they are doing everything they can to keep and retain valuable employees. That’s what makes a company successful – the people.”

What would you say to any candidates considering Epsilon?

“If the job aligns with what you are looking to do in your career – definitely take the leap and apply! You’ll have a great experience here and will learn a lot from each person you work with.”

Cheers to Christina, who makes Epsilon even more EPIC! Whether you’re a bounce back or new to Epsilon, check out our open positions. We’d love to have you.