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Data, identity and activation: Optimize channels, build loyalty and drive revenue

Written by admin | Feb 23, 2024 6:49:45 PM

Today’s consumers interact with brands across a mix of 20+ channels, on average. As a result, many companies serve countless messages across multiple channels but overlook channel management and optimization. This can lead to ad waste, bad customer experiences and low ROI.

In order to win in this environment, marketers must deliver seamless, consistent digital experiences that engender trust. This means finding and recognizing new and existing loyal customers across channels, and serving them relevant messages, where they want them, in real time. To achieve this, you need high-quality data, strong identity resolution and the right technology to activate across all channels.

Listen to Epsilon and Matt Warren, VP of Media and Digital Marketing Strategy at Wingstop, discuss how these underpinnings work together to help you grow your brand loyalty and build an efficient marketing eco-system that maximizes business outcomes.