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Abacus® reignites lapsed services

Using our Abacus Cooperative and Modeling we helped TNC improve response rates to bring donors one with nature


increase in model validation accuracy

Reactiving Deeply Lapsed Donors

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) depends on contributions from donors, but had declining response rates from their internal universe—specifically donors who had been inactive for 19+ months.

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Abacus® Delivers

We ran a head-to-head test of TNC’s internal model against Abacus Cooperative. With our model, we improved response rates by mailing deeply lapsed donors more effectively and efficiently. We armed TNC with additional data points, such as where else people are spending, to mail into a deeper universe.

The Nature Conservancy was able to identify donors and bring in 8% more from groups lapsed for 37+ months than they had with their internal model.

"They listen, they are incredibly responsive and they are fluent in solutions. Epsilon brings a lens specific to our program and finds a way to enhance it."
Jaclyn Teffeau, New Member Acquisition Manager, The Nature Conservancy

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