CV Villas
Discover how CV Villas, a leading villa holiday specialist with over 50 years of experience, embarked on a transformative journey to diversify its customer acquisition strategy.
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P.O. Box 1478
Broomfield, CO 80038
Attn: Privacy
(866) 267-3861
We’ve helped many clients recruit more profitable customers to increase sales.
Charles Tyrwhitt
CharlesTyrhwitt has been an advocate for direct mail since the beginning, so much so that his wife, Chrissie Rucker began her creation of the enormously successful White Company with direct mail. It drives the business. 'People love letters.'
Discover how CV Villas, a leading villa holiday specialist with over 50 years of experience, embarked on a transformative journey to diversify its customer acquisition strategy.
It's not merely about sending catalogues in abundance; it's about assessing incremental demand and achieving a nuanced understanding of your customers' behaviours and preferences. Our ultimate measure of success is not just increasing the volume of responses but also enhancing profitability. In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, we're focused on persuading potential customers who may not have considered us previously, making it an artful endeavour. – Jake Newbould, CMO, Piglet in Bed
Jigsaw approached Epsilon Abacus, having never done a direct mail campaign, to test catalogue as both a customer acquisition channel and a means to drive incremental revenue and brand engagement with existing clients.
Lily Ella invests in direct mail
Lily Ella invested in direct mail and utilised Abacus to receive prospect data and improve customer acquisition, along with utilising data to target longtime customers. See why Lily Ella said it was one of the greatest investments they’ve ever made.
How Abacus helped boost Lifetime value to attract best-in-class customers to facilitate growth.
With online shopping skyrocketing throughout the last year, our ‘customers sofa’ has become 2021’s new shop window. Moshulu were recruiting at profit during a pandemic.
Read through a compilation of all of our client success stories and testimonials.